Labels:text | menu | handwriting OCR: A RARE BIRD, Indeed A RARE BIRD, indeed ! Written and | Ilustrated By Cynthia Bowles and Illustrated by Cynthia Bowles This is the story of a very rare bird indeed ... a wingless, flight- less bird of New Zealand believed to be extinct. The story is Common Name: Swramp Hen Food conaiate of aoft shoots, roots, Maori Name: Pukeko clover, grasses, froga, fish, insecta and worma. told from the viewpoint of the other birds of the forest who Size .... 20 inches. Day bird. first encounter this rare bird. So rare is this bird that no one Bold and fearless. Flys, though flight is labored and heavy, awkward in taking off into air knows his name, neither the birds of the forest nor the rare and fight of short duration Frequently lives in awampa. Call is a piercing squeal bird. Join this rare bird and the other birds of the forest as Nest -- untidy. built of raupo leaves near swanpy ar ess. they search to find the name of this rare bird. Egge laid in Søptember-December, sometimes as late as March-June. Clutch of 6 to 7 eggs. Dirils A RARE BIRD Indeed For children 3 to 6 years Screens carefully created from "Oh. .. ohl" There were gasps from all "Those feet ... so big. .. that besk so long- the original water colors Ashamed, the strange bird gazed around. His hairy feathers clung to his sides. Where his wings began and ended, no one could tell ... nor his tall. he just did not seem to have BITy. published by Narrated story line plus sound "Does have feathers." muttered Parrot shocked that he was wrong effects All were Bilerit MAINSTREAM Again, Parrot as America Multimedia children's reference library on native birds and habitats Copyright@ 1994 C. M. Bowles Simple, attractive interface designed with young children in mind For Windows 22099 13019 Requires Windows 3.1, 386sx 25mhz or faster processor, 4 MB RAM, VGA graphics 0 capable of displaying 640x480 in 256 colors, Windows-supported sound card